How To Understand Kundli Chart In Hindi

How to read kundli. Understanding about kundli houses and their lords. The lord of houses in kundli plays a significant role and determines all the aspects about a person – from its physical characteristics to social status and gains and losses

  1. Horoscope In Hindi Kundli
  2. How To Understand Kundli Chart In Hindi Typing
  3. Hindi Kundli Matching
  4. How To Understand Kundli Chart In Hindi Sparsh

Free Horoscope Kundli with Predictions and Remedies Horoscope or Kundli is a chart which shows the position of stars and planets when a person take birth at a particular time. Know the predictions and remedies of your planets. Get your Astrology Birth Chart details for free at, fill this form: Visit

Meaning of respective houses in Hindu Kundli and their importance:

  1. House 1 in Kundli – House of the Self – Tanu Bhava – Represents self of the person which includes appearance, nature, personality, reputation and status.
  2. House 2 in Kundli – House of Wealth – Dhan Bhava – Represents properties it includes wealth, livelihood, professional position, possession of precious stones and metals, money in cash and earning capacity etc.
  3. House 3 in Kundli – The House of the Siblings – Sahai Bhava – Represents brothers and sisters.
  4. House 4 in Kundli – House of the Home/Mother – Bandhu Bhava – Represents mother and all the aspects governed by maternal side. It also represents basic education, domestic peace, righteous conduct and country of birth.
  5. House 5 in Kundli – The House of Children – Putra Bhava – Represents sons and daughters. Also represents intelligence and mental ability.
  6. House 6 in Kundli – The House of Enemies – Ari Bhava – Represents enemies and all sorts of evil spirits against you. Including thieves, fear, doubt, disease, worries and weaknesses.
  7. House 7 in Kundli – The House of the Spouse – Yuvati Bhava – Represents marriage and all aspects of married life. It als governs spouse and fertility.
  8. House 8 in Kundli – The House of Death – Randhr Bhava – Represents death and its reason.
  9. House 9 in Kundli – The House of Fortune – Dharma Bhava – Represents spirituality.
  10. House 10 in Kundli – House of the Career – Karma Bhava – Represents work. It also represents father and fame.
  11. House 11 in Kundli – The House of Large Sums, Gains and Friends – Labh Bhava – Represents profit, including prosperity, gains and inheritance.
  12. House 12 in Kundli – The House of Enlightenment – Vyaya Bhava – Represents expenditure and cause of expenses and loses.

Click on the link to known about the Rashi & Their Swami (Zodiac & Their Ruling Planets)

My kundli in hindi

Classification of Houses

How To Understand Kundli Chart In Hindi

Depending on the aspects that a house governs of represents, each of the 12 houses in the Janam Kundli is divided into various categories:

1. Malefic Houses (Inauspicious Houses)

House No. 6 , House No. 8 & House No. 12 in a horoscope are considered to be bad irrespective of the planets placed in it. The House No. 6 is house of enemies , House No. 8 is house of death and House No. 12 is house of expenditure. All these three houses are said to create problems which leads to loss and death.

2. Benefic Houses (Auspicious Houses)

All the other houses except House No. 6 , 8 and 12 are considered good. It depends on the planets placed in the respective house.

3. Kendra

The 4 central houses in Kundli is known as kendra. These are House No. 1 , House No. 4 , House No. 7 and House No. 10. These are considered important and depending on the placement of planets in each of them, they rule an individual.

Trinity of Houses

  1. Dharma or Spiritual Actions: Houses 1, 5 and 9 – Fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius (1) Body (5) Heart and (9) Higher Mind
  2. Artha or Wealth: Houses 2, 6 and 10 – Earth sign of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn (2) Possessions, (6) Comforts, such as food, servants and health and (10) Honor, fame and social status.
  3. Kama or Relationships : Houses 3, 7 and 11 – Airy signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius (3) Siblings (7) Marriage and Partnerships (11) Friends and closed ones.
  4. Moksha or Liberation of Soul : Houses 4, 8 and 12 – Water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. (4) Environment at later part of life. (8) Regeneration and Death (12) and Suffering.

Kundli, also known as the birth chart or horoscope, is an astrological diagram which is used for evaluatingone's future and giving out predictions. One's date of birth, time, and place isrequired to create a kundli. An expert astrologer takes into account the birth details,placement and state of planets and zodiac signs in one's kundali for giving outpredictions. This chart depicts planetary angles and astrological positions at thetime of native's birth, which is further calculated to analyse several aspects oflife. In Vedic Astrology, a kundliholds the key to your past, present, and future, and can be evaluated to understandyour physical traits, emotional, mental, and spiritual predilections, your likesand dislikes, inclinations, and hobbies. Reading a kundali isn't as hard as it seems,as one only has to understand some vital aspects to go through several houses andplanetary positions.

Still thinking about how to read a kundli?We have the answer for you! But before that, let's understand the importance andbenefits of making a kundali:

Importance Of A Kundli (Birth Chart)

Creating a kundli is an important task to carry out after a person is born. It helpsone deal with several issues and obstacles in life, and holds remedies and solutionsto various challenges. Let's read its importance and how it plays an unparalleledrole when predicting the future:

  1. A kundali can be used for marriage matchingpurposes by matching the horoscopes of the bride andgroom. In Hinduism, no auspicious event related to marriage takes place before matchingthe kundlis and calculating the gunas. Also, it reveals about one's marital life,spouse, the understanding you both share with each other, and possible troubleswhich can take place.
  2. One's kundali or birth chart maps the challenges, obstacles, opportunities,and much more for their lifetime. It reveals what kind of challenges are waitingin their way, and how to deal with the darkest times.
  3. It guides you through your traits, characteristics, shortcomings, and prowess,which makes up your whole personality and reveals your true self.
  4. You can analyse the kundli to predict about your professional life, business ventures,finances, wealth and investment and know how favourable or unfavourablecircumstances will be while making economic decisions.
  5. A kundali points out the preferable career choices one can make for a fruitfuland prosperous future. It decodes the kind of career which will suit your effortsand intellect.
  6. A birth chart informs you about your academic life, creativity, enemies, diseases,and children. Know how successful your academic life will be, your statusof opponents and enemies, health factor and much more.

Horoscope In Hindi Kundli

How To Read Your Vedic Kundali

  • Identify Your Rising Sign or Ascendant: In the kundli mentioned below, thefirst step is to identify the ascendant sign. The number mentioned in the firsthouse represents the rising or ascendant sign of the native. The planets in one's kundali aredenoted by numericals (1-12) and houses by roman numbers (I-XII). Hereby,
  1. Aries is denoted by the number 1.
  2. Taurus is denoted by the number 2.
  3. Gemini is denoted by the number 3.
  4. Cancer is denoted by the number 4.
  5. Leo is denoted by the number 5.
  6. Virgo is denoted by the number 6.
  7. Libra is denoted by the number 7.
  8. Scorpio is denoted by the number 8
  9. Sagittarius is denoted by the number 9.
  10. Capricorn is denoted by the number 10.
  11. Aquarius is denoted by the number 11.
  12. Pisces is denoted by the number 12.

According to this kundli, the Ascendant or Rising sign is Aries, posited in the1st house.

How To Understand Kundli Chart In Hindi Typing

  • Understanding the Houses and their Significance: A kundali has 12 houses,which signify several aspects of the life of the native along with physical traits,interests, and features. Hence, any planet or sign posited in a house influencesits factors and offers results accordingly. As mentioned above, the roman numeralsdenote the house number, and its factors are stated as follows:

  1. First House: physical features and traits, self, characteristics, personality
  2. Second House: wealth, primary knowledge, finances, family
  3. Third house: communication, skills, hobbies, efforts, younger siblings
  4. Fourth House: happiness, mother, secondary education, land, vehicle, property
  5. Fifth House: higher education, creativity, wittiness, love and affair, progeny,past life experience
  6. Sixth House: debt, profession, diseases, advocacy, enemies
  7. Seventh House: marriage, spouse, long-term partnerships and relationships,import-export, public image
  8. Eighth House: longevity, unexpected incidents, research
  9. Ninth House: beliefs, higher learning, luck, mentor, father, religion, longdistance travel
  10. Tenth House: career, karma or actions, job, profession
  11. Eleventh house: ambitions, income, gains, elder siblings
  12. Twelfth House: expenditure
  • Identify The Nine Planets in Your Kundali: At the time of your birth, the kundali captures and offers a pictorial representation of the position of planets and constellations. Hence, when learning to read a kundli, one mustunderstand the abbreviated form of planets mentioned in the chart and their significance.

In the kundali given below, the first house sees the placement of Cancer (number4) along with Mercury (Me), Rahu (Ra), and Sun (Su). Therefore, it will chalk outthe results accordingly. Below mentioned are the planets, their abbreviated formand vedic significance:

  1. Sun (Su): Ruler, source of energy and life, king of all planets, masculinein nature
  2. Moon (Mo): Mind, inner self, feminine in nature, intellect, fertility, goodmemory
  3. Mercury (Me): Speech, communication, calculative, witty, intellectual,
  4. Mars (Ma): Courage, passion, physical strength, short-tempered, argumentative,daring, signifies younger siblings
  5. Venus (Ve): Materialistic pleasure, love, romance, beauty, music, marriage,friendship, art
  6. Jupiter (Ju): Spirituality, higher education, research
  7. Saturn (Sa): Land, property, secret, misfortune, hard work, sorrow, prestige,name and fame
  8. Rahu (Ra): Foreigners, international travel, grandparents, theft, gambling,drinking, over-ambitious, undiagnosed health problems, loss of reputation-finance
  9. Ketu (Ke): Grandparents, spiritual inclination, superstitions, electronics
  • Planetary Exaltation & Debilitation: After this, you must figure out which planetis in exaltation or debilitation. In astrology, Exaltation is a state when the influenceof a planet posited in a particular sign elevates, i.e. both of their natural harmonysyncs and the outcome tends to be favourable. Hence, in the below kundali, Sun isplaced in Aries (number 1), and exalted.

On the other hand, the state of agitation formed for the planet when placed withany sign is known as Debilitation. Here, the influence of the planet weakens, andthe effects can be unfavourable. Knowing this gives the native a chance to understandthe planetary signs, their position, and overall impact on their kundli. Below isa table explaining the planets, their ruling, exalted and debilitated signs. Accordingto the kundali mentioned below, the Moon is placed in Scorpio zodiac sign (number 8) and debilitated.

Hindi Kundli Matching

Planet Ruling Sign Exalted Sign Debilitated Sign
VenusTaurus, LibraPiscesVirgo
MarsAries, ScorpioCapricornCancer
SaturnAquarius, CapricornLibraAries
JupiterSagittarius, PiscesCancerCapricorn
MercuryGemini, VirgoVirgoPisces
Rahu- --

How To Understand Kundli Chart In Hindi Sparsh

Following these steps, you can easily understand and read a kundli. Although thereare various details needed to be kept in mind when evaluating a kundali, but byfollowing the aforementioned steps you can get a quick and general insight aboutyour life.